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Lisa Fogel
Personal Trainer/Aerobic Instructor
Each month Lisa will be giving a health tip to help you get the most out of your workouts, exercises, eating habits, etc.
The Tip will be short and to the point, so it does not waste your valuable time.
This monthly health tip is just another way of saying thank you for being a customer.
We hope these monthly tips help.
For questions on Lisa's monthly Tips e-mail her at lisafogel@1-workoutdelivery.com
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Check out Lisa's Fitness Contest Photos at LISA'S CONTEST PHOTOS
TIPJanuary 2011
Subject: Exercise
Young adults, especially women, who maintained high levels of moderate and vigorous activity over a period of 20 years experienced smaller weight gains and waist circumference during the transition from young adulthood to middle age.
TIPDecember 2010
Subject: Exercise
Have you experienced back pain at one time or another? Have you been told to strengthen your abdominal muscles to fix a back problem? While traditional crunches strengthen the outer layers of the abdominal musculature, they bypass the deep support structures of your back. This can place the lumbar spine in too much flexion and may even worsen your back pain, depending on what your original physical problem was. By training the deep stabilizers of the lumbar spine, pain can be alleviated and you’ll be able to return to everyday activities sooner.
TIPNovember 2010
Subject: Exercise
When you’re buying or recommending shoes, think about the way the foot functions and the importance of a strong foundation.
TIPOctober 2010
Subject: Exercise
What can you do when you are virtually held captive in boarding lounges at the airport? Perform these exercises that all begin with the following sustainable seated posture:
- Place feet flat on floor, parallel, a few inches apart.
- Sit up on sit bones.
- Tip pelvis to bring it vertical (neutral spine position).
- Drop shoulders away from ears and lengthen back of neck.
- Breathe in, and on exhalation, draw in abdominals, engaging the core.
TIPSeptember 2010
Subject: Exercise
Tip for fat and weight loss, what matters most is the difference between the number of calories you expend and the number of calories you consume. Fat and weight loss is about burning lots of calories and cutting back on the number of calories consumed. For the purpose of losing weight, it matters little whether the calories burned during exercise come from fat or carbohydrates.
TIPAugust 2010
Subject: Exercise
Benefits of Meditation:
- lower blood pressure
- improved blood circulation
- lower heart rate
- less perspiration
- slower respiratory rate
- less anxiety
- lower blood cortisol levels
- feelings of well-being
- less stress
- improved deep relaxation
TIPJuly 2010
Subject: Nutrition
People who suffer from conditions such as celiac disease, lactose intolerance, food allergies, diabetes and other gastrointestinal disorders are often required to be on a restrictive diet. But being on a special food plan needn’t break the bank. Here are some tips to consider:
- Take time to read food labels, which are required by law to cite any of the eight foods or ingredients known to cause problems in some people. These items are wheat, eggs, milk, peanuts, tree nuts, shellfish, fin fish and soybeans.
- Rather than shopping exclusively at specialty food stores, look for gluten-free items at your local grocery store; more and more supermarkets across the country are now offering these items.
- Whenever practical, buy special foods in bulk and divide them into portion sizes at home instead of purchasing individual-sized packages.
- Substitute ingredients; for example, people with celiac disease can substitute quinoa or rice flour for wheat or rye flour, while the lactose intolerant can try goat, soy or rice milk instead of cow’s milk.
TIPJune 2010
Subject: Nutrition
Tip on meal timing:
Meal timing is a significant element in any successful weight loss program. Eating small, healthy meals frequently throughout the day is not only important for controlling appetite and cravings; it is also essential for maintaining healthy blood glucose, insulin and cholesterol levels.
TIPMay 2010
Subject: Exercise
The core holds the body in alignment and allows the extremities to move in a more efficient and effective manner. Pilates helps increase core strength and stabilization by creating simultaneous demands for strength and flexibility. The result: enhanced movement quality. The body moves the way it was designed to move.
TIPApril 2010
Subject: Nutrition
Tip on some foods that are rich in antioxidants, which help fortify the immune system:
- fresh fruits, especially berries, red grapes, prunes and pomegranates
- dark-green leafy vegetables, such as spinach, and colorful veggies, such as broccoli, carrots and red or green peppers
- fresh virgin olive oil
- spices, including sage, marjoram, rosemary and thyme
- healthy nuts, such as almonds, pecans and peanuts
- red and kidney beans
- whole-grain bread, cereal and pasta
- green and black tea
TIPMarch 2010
Subject: Exercise
The stability ball has been used by physical therapists for years, and the fitness industry has fully embraced this tool for group exercise and private training. The stability ball creates an unstable surface and can be used for strength, balance, coordination, agility, core work and flexibility.
TIPFebruary 2010
Subject: Nutritition
Tips for eating at restaurants.
- 1. Eat a small meal or a healthy snack an hour or so before you leave for the restaurant; this will help keep your resolve strong when faced with a list of tantalizing food and wine offerings.
- 2. Be picky (but polite!) when ordering; don’t be afraid to ask for the salad dressing on the side or for your fish to be broiled rather than fried—even if the menu doesn’t list such choices.
- 3. If available, select from the “healthy” side of the menu; many restaurants now flag items that are heart healthy or low in sodium.
- 4. Don’t continue to nibble on your leftovers while waiting for the server to take away your plate. Drape your napkin over those last few bites of decadent dessert or move the bread basket to the far side of the table while you await your check.
- 5. If you do overindulge at dinner, start off the next morning on a healthy track with a bowl of high-fiber cereal.
TIPJanuary 2010
Subject: Exercise
Tip on food labeling.
For the most informative site to use the nutrition facts label to plan a healthy diet go to www.fda.gov/food/labelingnutrition/consumerinformation/ucm114022.htm
TIPDecember 2009
Subject: Exercise
Tip for stretching.
You should hold your stretches for 15-30 seconds for the best results.
TIPNovember 2009
Subject: Nutrition
Tip on lowering harmful cholesterol.
Add red yeast rice to your diet it has been shown to decrease harmful LDL cholesterol levels.
TIPOctober 2009
Subject: Health
Tip for staying healthy at the workplace.
Germs from a sneezing or coughing person can travel up to 6 feet. Keep your distance from someone showing signs of impaired health.
TIPSeptember 2009
Subject: Health
Tip for staying healthy.
Stay hydrated throughout the day. This can keep the eyes, nose and mouth mucous membranes moist, which limits the possibility for germs to "stick" to these areas.
TIPAugust 2009
Subject: Nutrition
Tip for mobility.
Those who maintain lower weights in their younger years will have better mobility in their later years.
TIPJuly 2009
Subject: Nutrition
Tip for your teeth.
The acids in many foods can soften the enamel on your teeth, so it is recommended to wait at least 30-60 minutes to brush your teeth after eating. By then, the harmful acids in foods will have dissipated and the enamel will have re-hardened.
TIPJune 2009
Subject: Exercise
Tip for strong bones.
Add weight training to your exercise program. Muscles get stronger when stress is applied to them, and so do bones.
TIPMay 2009
Subject: Nutrition
Tip for using nonstick pots and pans.
1. Don't use cooking oils or butter unless you are using for flavor alone.
2. Don't use spray on cooking oils like pam, they leave a film on the surface that builds over time.
3. Avoid using metal utensils.
4. Don't allow the pan to get hotter then 400 degrees.
5. Don't put in the dishwasher.
TIPApril 2009
Subject: Nutrition
Tip for digestive health.
Tight jeans can present a plethora of problems, from causing acid reflux to impeding intestinal mobility. To preserve digestive health, wear clothes that allow you to breathe easily.
TIPFebruary 2009
Subject: Exercise
Tip for building your butt.
Do wide stance squats. Squat until your thighs are past being parallel to the floor, unless it bothers your knees or hips.
TIPJanuary 2009
Subject: Exercise
Tips for preventing falls.
1. Remove throw rugs from your home.
2. Try a Tai Chi class.
3. Remove clutter from hallways, stair cases and other areas of heavy traffic in the home.
4. Discuss any dizziness or vision changes especially after a change in medication wit a physician.
5. Get regular eye exams.
6. Keep staircases and hallways well lit and consider installing night lights in theses areas.
7. Wear flat, rubber soled, non-slip shoes.
TIPDecember 2008
Subject: Nutrition
Tips for Good Digestive Health.
1. Eat more fiber.
2. Make good food choices.
3. Drink lots of fluids.
4. Eat moderate portions.
5. Control your stress levels.
6. Don't eat right before going to sleep.
TIPNovember 2008
Subject: Exercise
Tips for aging.
Human aging is associated with a loss of muscle mass, a deficit in muscular strength and impairment in performing some activities of daily life. Typically, these changes start to occur about age 40 and progressively worsen with aging.
TIPOctober 2008
Subject: Exercise
Tips for warming up.
15-30min. Jogging
15-30min. Bike riding
15-30min. swimming
15-30min. power walk
TIPSeptember 2008
Subject: Exercise
Tips to make your workout fun.
Get a workout partner
Change your exercises
Change your workout place
TIPAugust 2008
Subject: Exercise
Yoga for good health
Yoga can help you manage stress, avoid overuse injuries and maintain your quality of life.
TIPJuly 2008
Subject: Exercise and nutrition
If you have knee osteoarthritis, shedding some pounds will help them feel better.
TIPJune 2008
Subject: Exercise
Tips for Using Resistance Tubing
Include Functional Movement Patterns Such as:
Exercises that mimic active daily life or counterbalance daily life stressors.
Multi-joint exercises
Exercises that require active internal stabilization.
Exercises that can be modified to increase or decrease the challenge.
TIPMay 2008
Subject: Exercise
How much exercise is recommended for women who need to lose weight or sustain weight loss?
According to updated guidelines from the American Heart Association, they need to do a minimum of 60-90 minutes of moderate-intensity activity (e.g., brisk walking) on most, and preferably all, days of the week.
TIPApril 2008
Subject: Exercise and Nutrition
Bone density tip
Men and women who lose weight by cutting calories also may be losing bone density, but weight loss through exercise does not.
TIPMarch 2008
Subject: Health
Tip for memory
A catnap during the day can boost our ability to remember specific tasks learned beforehand -- but only if we’ve learned them well.
TIPFebruary 2008
Subject: Exercise and Nutrition
Maintaining weight loss tip
Studies show most people who maintain weight loss are enrolled in weight loss support programs. Keep stepping on the scale. Staying aware of your weight is key to keeping it off. And find a balance between food and the gym. Trading 150-calorie soda for a 30 minute walk can make you lose ten pounds a year!
TIPJanuary 2008
Subject: Nutrition
Tips for eating fish.
1. The health benefits of omega-3 fatty acids found in fish outweigh the risks. Studies have shown eating two servings a week of fatty fish like salmon, herring, trout, and albacore tuna can be good for the heart, and it helps develop children's brains and eyes..
2. People with congestive heart failure, chronic angina, or low blood flow to the heart should avoid fish, since the omega-3 fatty acids could be harmful. Last but not least, women who are or might become pregnant and children under 6 years old should avoid eating shark, swordfish, king mackerel and tilefish, since these fish are particularly high in mercury.
TIPDecember 2007
Subject: Nutrition
Protein tip
Consuming at least 20 grams of protein following resistance exercise can result in an increase in muscle in healthy adults.
TIPNovember 2007
Subject: Nutrition
Tips for making hot tea to help fight disease.
1. Quality: Use only purified, filtered water.
2. Temperature: To avoid an astringent taste, the water for black tea should be just at the boiling point, while for green tea the water is better slightly below boiling (no more than 180 degrees Fahrenheit, or around 80 degrees Celsius).
3. Time: Steep tea for at least 3 minutes to get the maximum antioxidant content.
TIPOctober 2007
Subject: Exercise
Exercise gear tip
Wear comfortable, properly fitted footwear and comfortable, loose-fitting clothing appropriate for the weather and the activity.
TIPSeptember 2007
Subject: Nutrition
Tea and coffee tip
A few cups of coffee or tea not only give your body a pick me up, but they may improve your memory as well.
TIPAugust 2007
Subject: Exercise
ITB syndrome is the most common cause of lateral knee pain in runners and may occasionally cause lateral hip pain as well.
ITB can be caused by a variety of factors, Things to look for are inappropriate footwear, improper training, a leg length discrepancy, bowing of the legs at or below the knee, running on sloped or banked running surfaces, excessive pronation, muscle weaknesses, hip inflexibility or excessive mileage increases.
TIPJuly 2007
Subject: Nutrition
Tip to eating fish.
Eating two servings a week of fatty fish like salmon, herring, trout, and albacore tuna can be good for the heart, and it helps develop children's brains and eyes, but people with congestive heart failure, chronic angina, or low blood flow to the heart should avoid fish, since the omega-3 fatty acids could be harmful. Women who are or might become pregnant and children under 6 years old should avoid eating shark, swordfish, king mackerel and tilefish, since these fish are particularly high in mercury.
TIPJune 2007
Subject: Sleep
Tip on knowing if you are getting enough sleep
If you are functioning well and can't sleep more, even when there's an opportunity, your fine. But if you're often sleepy during the day or if you sleep late on weekends to try to catch up, you're likely running a sleep deficit and require more sleep.
TIPMay 2007
Subject: Nutrition
Tip to stop snacking.
Pace your meals more regularly throughout the day so you do not experience periods of extreme hunger, Eating a piece of fruit on the way home from the gym can keep you from snacking mindlessly on crackers while you prepare your dinner.
TIPApril 2007
Subject: Exercise
Tips on getting a better workout if you are hypertensive:
- Allow for proper warm-up to reduce the chance of a sharp and sudden rise in blood pressure.
- Allow for adequate cool-down to better transition the body to pre-exercise conditions and to prevent dizziness, lightheadedness and fainting.
TIPMarch 2007
Subject: Nutrition
Tips to liven up those egg whites
* Mix into oatmeal and add splenda and cinnamon for more flavor.
* Place in low fat tortilla shell with 1 oz low fat cheddar cheese and 1/3 cup salsa.
* Hollow out onion bagel and replace filling with egg whites.
* Place egg whites in whole wheat pita bread pocket and add low fat monterey jack cheese with black beans.
TIPFebruary 2007
Subject: Exercise
Tips on getting the most from your workouts:
- Shorten the time you rest between workouts.
- Alternate upper and lower body.
- Make sure you drink plenty of fluids during workouts.
- Be patient, bodies don't change overnight.
- Eat at least 2 fruits and 3 vegetables a day.
- Visualize what you want to see your body to look like.
TIPJanuary 2007
Subject: Nutrition
Soup from a can. What to look for.
* Look for fat grams. Should be less than 5.
* Limit sodium to 300mg. per serving.
* Look for beans or legumes.
* Pick a soup with proteins. 10 grams and up.
* Make tomato soup with fat free milk.
* Add vegetables and whole grains to boost vitamins and minerals.
TIPDecember 2006
Subject: Exercise
Tips for making time for exercise
- Walk the dog
- Circuit train
- Work in the garden
- Exercise first thing in the morning
- Park further away from malls and work, bypass the elevator use the stairs.
- Do cruches while watching TV commercials
TIPNovember 2006
Subject: Nutrition
What to eat for a lean body
* Eat at least 5 or more 1/2 cup servings of green and yellow vegetables.
* 6 servings of breads, cereals and beans.
* Reduce total fat intake to 30% or less of daily calories.
* 55% of calories should be carbohydrates.
* Protein 2 oz. per lb of body weight.
* Limit salt.
* Limit alcohol to 2 glasses a day.
* Drink lots of water.
TIPOctober 2006
Subject: Exercise
If your waist is getting wider, weight training twice a week can prevent or slow that process.
Strength training can prevent increases in body fat.
TIPSeptember 2006
Subject: Exercise
Tips on exercising in cold weather
* Wear layers of clothing and remove some of them as you heat up.
* Warm-up with some sort of aerobic activity marching in place, treadmill, etc.
* If weight training do a warm-up with a lighter weight first.
* Always stretch the body parts you will be training after the warm-up.
TIPAugust 2006
Subject: Nutrition
Effective way of eating for gaining muscle and dropping fat.
Eat 5-7 small meals per day every 3-4 hours.
TIPJuly 2006
Subject: Nutrition
Lifestyle related causes of Osteoporosis:
* Smoking
* Calcium and Vitamin D deficiency
* Lack of exercise
* Prolonged use of drugs and alcohol
Osteoporosis can be prevented by diet and exercise.
TIPJune 2006
Subject: Nutrition
Careful what's on your Barbeque.
* Hot dog: 242 Calories and 10 Grams fat
* Hamburger patty: 275 Calories and 15 Grams fat
* 1 slice pie: 277 Calories and 13 Grams fat
* 1/2 cup potato salad: 187 Calories and 11 Grams fat
TIPMay 2006
Subject: Exercise
Moderate Intensity Exercise, what does it do?
* Increases insulin sensitivity which prevents diabetes.
* Reduces colon cancer.
* Enhances sexual performance.
* Improves brain function
* Reduces the risk of heart attack.
* Strengthens bones & muscles.
* Helps prevent depression
TIPApril 2006
Subject: Exercise
Tips on preventing injury when exercising.
* Always warm-up the body part(s) you are about to train first. Examples: Treadmill, jog in place, use lighter weights until you feel the area heat up.
* Follow with 20 second to 60 second stretching and hold the stretch do not bounce.
* Build up to your heaviest weight or intensity, do not start there.
TIPMarch 2006
Subject: Exercise
Exercise Fights Aging
* 1/2 hour daily walk will keep your mind sharp.
* Regular cardio reduces the risk factor for heart disease.
* Only 30 min. of exercise 4-5 times a week can keep your body active 12 years longer than couch potato's.
* Strength training & Jumping 3 x a week increases bone density by more than 4% a year.
TIPFebruary 2006
Subject: Nutrition
Fast carbohydrates versus slow carbohydrates
* Foods with a low glycemic index can help shed pounds faster.
* Low glycemic index foods are more slowly digested and lead to less spikes in the blood sugar.
* Spikes in blood sugar lead to food cravings that can lead to weight gain.
* 55 or lower is a good ranking.
* Examples: Oatmeal cookies, oatmeal, barley, rice, whole milk, apples, pears, popcorn and green peas.
TIPJanuary 2006
Subject: Nutrition
Seven Smart Snacks
1) Whole grain cereal with non fat milk
2) Graham crackers
3) Baked tortilla chips with salsa
4) Low fat string cheese
5) Applesauce
6) Veggies with low fat yogurt dip
7) Apple slices with peanut butter
TIPDecember 2005
Subject: Nutrition
Food Myths
Do some foods help burn off excess fat? No Cabbage, grapefruit, celery are low in calories and high in fiber and make you feel full.
Okay to skip breakfast? Your results will be less. Your body needs fuel to run at it's highest potential.
Is free range turkey healthier? No and they are more prone to bacteria contamination.
Do antioxidant rich fruits and vegetables help fight the flu? Absolutely, they amp up your immune system.
TIPNovember 2005
Subject: Nutrition
Carbohydrate Tips
1) Eat berries
2) Eat more protein
3) Lower refined sugar intake
4) Snack on a handful of nuts
5) Read nutritional labels
6) Limit condiments
TIPOctober 2005
Subject: Nutrition
Meet your fruit and vegetable quota....minimum of 5 per day.
Here are some ways to get the minimum amount per day.
3/4 cup of 100% fruit or Vegetable juice.
1/2 cup canned or cooked vegetable.
1/2 cup cut up fruit.
One medium whole fruit apple, pear or banana.
1/2 cup dried raisins or fruit
TIPSeptember 2005
Subject: Exercise
Moving your body through physical exercise has many benefits:
1) Longer Life
2) Cancer protection
3) Healthy blood sugar levels
4) Stronger bones
5) Stronger, healthier heart
6) Fewer sick days
TIPSeptember 2005
Subject: Exercise
Moving your body through physical exercise has many benefits:
1) Longer Life
2) Cancer protection
3) Healthy blood sugar levels
4) Stronger bones
5) Stronger, healthier heart
6) Fewer sick days
TIPAugust 2005
Subject: Exercise and Nutrition
Traveling this summer?
1) Bring healthy snacks.
2) Wear layered comfy clothes.
3) Avoid alcohol, drink lots of water.
4) Get out and walk around every few hours to stretch your legs, wiggle your toes.
5) Use saline spray in your nostrils while flying to keep them from drying out.
6) Bring wet wipes to freshen up.
TIPJuly 2005
Subject: Nutrition
Eat breakfast before your morning workout.
Not eating breakfast can lead to a higher heart rate , you will get tired faster and your workout will not be as effective.
TIPJune 2005
Subject: Exercise
Variety Tip
Change your workout routine every 8 weeks for continued results.
TIPMay 2005
Subject: Exercise
5 Treadmill Tips
1) Do not hold on while walking, you miss out on losing calories.
2) Do not stand on treadmill while starting it ,stand on the sides, increase speed while walking.
3) Do not walk too fast on the incline it puts too much stress on the hips,
4) Do not accept that the calorie counts are true, people vary in size & shape this can be very inaccurate.
5) Use the treadmill for hill climbing conditioning.
TIPApril 2005
Subject: Exercise
Always warm up 5-10 minutes prior to working out., going into weight lifting cold can cause tiny tears in the muscle that can become very sore later.
Get on that bike or treadmill before starting that workout.
TIPMarch 2005
Subject: Nutrition
Portion control
1) Eat a salad the size of two hands together.
2) Meat & poultry the size of your palm.
3) Pasta the size of a tennis ball.
4) 1 TBLS peanut butter , the size of an oreo.
5) Veg.& fruit the size of your palm.
6) Salad dressing on the side, dip fork, then spear salad.
Happy Eating.
TIPFebruary 2005
Subject: Exercise
Vigorous exercise can help you live longer.
Cycling, Jogging, Jumping Rope
TIPJanuary 2005
Subject: Nutrition
Holiday weight gain or loss?
During the holidays try to focus on maintaining the weight you are currently at, the holidays are not the time to loose weight.
At family gatherings try to start with vegetables and proteins, they will fill you up faster, eat slowly and savor every bite.
When it comes to all those delicious desserts try two or three small bites, sometimes this is enough to satisfy the sweet urge.
Try to work out the day before and the day after. If all else fails , cut back on your other calories earlier in the day.
TIPDecember 2004
Subject: Exercise
How to build endurance and increase your walking or running pace.
Jog at a moderate pace for two minutes ( EX. level 5) then increase incline or speed for 20 seconds, slow for 10 seconds then back on for 20seconds.
Do this for 8-10 minutes then cool down at jog pace for 2 minutes.
TIPNovember 2004
Subject: Exercise
When performed correctly squats can help with knee pain.
Doing leg extensions and squats regularly can lead to healthier joints.
Make leg strengthening a regular part of your workout.
TIPOctober 2004
Subject: Exercise
Spot reduction is a myth, to have great abs.
You have to train your entire body aim for a diet that is high in protein, moderate in carbohydrates and low in fat.
TIPSeptember 2004
Subject: Nutrition
Trying to drop inches off your waist?
Try a diet that’s high protein, moderate in carbs, and low in fat. Don’t forget that cardio!!!
TIPAugust 2004
Subject: Nutrition
A stomach pacemaker?
Yes, Currently under study to aide in weight loss, delivers mild electrical impulses to the stomach brings on an intense full feeling, no side effects at this time.
TIPJuly 2004
Subject: Nutrition
Portion Size -- Did you know?
3 oz Steak = Size of a deck of cards
1 Cup cooked pasta = 2 tennis balls
1 oz of cheese = a C battery
2 oz muffin = a small apple
2 TBLS. peanut butter = Ping Pong ball
TIPJune 2004
Subject: Exercise
Three Tips you are over-exercising.
You lose a large amount of body fat in a short time frame.
Pain on impact of everyday movement, stress fractures.
Females that have fewer than six periods a year for no apparent reason
TIPMay 2004
Subject: Exercise
Should you work out with a cold or flu?
It is okay to workout with a head cold, but not flu like symptoms…..fever, chest congestion, body aches. Stay home and rest up.
TIPApril 2004
Subject: Exercise
If you run for endurance you need to weight train do to lower bone density in your upper body.
Just another good reason to weight train.
TIPMarch 2004
Subject: Exercise
What do Yoga and Pilate's have in common?
They both sculpt amazing abs working from the inside out, they require that you use core strength and they improve balance and encourage quality over quantity.
Proper form is everything!!
TIPFebruary 2004
Subject: Nutrition
Try this
Have a banana or a fruit smoothie for a potassium boost; the mineral helps balance excess salt and reduce the bloating it causes.
Proper form is everything!!
TIPJanuary 2004
Subject: Nutrition
10 Best Fast Food Treats
All contain nutritional bonuses
Have a banana or a fruit smoothie for a potassium boost; the mineral helps balance excess salt and reduce the bloating it causes.
1) Oatmeal raisin cookie
2) Frozen yogurt (TCBY)
3) Low fat berry muffin
4) McDonalds fruit and yogurt parfait
5) McDonalds baked apple pie
6) Mango fest smoothie
7) Wendy's frosty
8) Auntie Anne's whole wheat pretzel
9) Chick-fil lemon pie
10) Sweet factory jelly belly or strawberry twists
TIPDecember 2003
Subject: Exercise
Getting side cramps from running?
Try these 2 tips
1st. Stretch
2nd. Alter your breathing pattern, hold your breath for a few seconds then exhale forcibly through pursed lips.
TIPNovember 2003
Subject: Nutrition
Protein not only builds muscle, it also is the building block of new tissue. Protein also plays a major role in improving our immune system.
TIPOctober 2003
Subject: Exercise
Walking 2 hours or more a week can cut a sedentary person's risk of coronary heart disease in half.
TIPSeptember 2003
Subject: Exercise & Nutrition
Lifestyle Changes To Reduce Heart Disease
1. Lose weight if overweight
2. Quit smoking
3. Reduce salt intake
4. Limit alcohol consumption
5. Exercise regularly
6. Eat lots of fruits and vegetables
TIPAugust 2003
Subject: Nutrition
Green tea helps fight fat by decreasing the appetite, and increasing metabolic rate.
Drink 5 cups a day if you want to boost your immune system.
TIPJuly 2003
Subject: Exercise
Why water consumption is important.
1 hour of exercise the body can lose more than a quart of water depending on exercise intensity and air temperature, so keep that body hydrated with plenty of water.
TIPJune 2003
Subject: Exercise
5 Ways exercise can help reduce heart disease.
1. Improves blood circulation.
2. Regular exercise keeps the heart toned.
3. Exercise can help reduce or prevent high blood pressure.
4. People who exercise are less likely to smoke.
5. People who exercise tend to have healthier diets.
TIPMay 2003
Subject: Exercise
Cross Training will help YOU get the MOST from YOUR workouts!
Examples of what to combine:
1. Spinning/Cycling with Pilates
2. Running with Balance Boards
3. Tennis/Golf with BOSU Balance Trainer
4. Weight Lifting with Aerobics
TIPApril 2003
Subject: Exercise
Gym Safety Tips
1. No open toed shoes.
2. Don't drop weights, place them in their proper position.
3. Use a spotter when necessary.
4. Don't lift something that is too heavy, using poor form.
5. Be cautious when adjusting weights.
6. Don't workout with a fever or nauseau.
TIPMarch 2003
Subject: Nutrition
How do I cut back on sugar?
1. If you drink soda, replace with water.
2. Cut out snacks that contain sugar.
3. Read labels, if sugar is the first item listed, put it back.
4. Keep nutritious food on hand.
5. Eat small meals every 2-3 hours.
6. Watch your alcohol intake.
TIPFebruary 2003
Subject: Nutrition
Want to be healthy and lose weight, but not give up fast food?
1. Don't order french fries
2. Order diet soda or water
3. Have a salad, most fast food places serve them.
4. Don't have mayonnaise.
5. Eat half the bun
6. Have a Latte with skim milk
TIPJanuary 2003
Subject: Nutrition
Uncovering that six pack. Your doing aerobics to burn body fat and abdominal exercises to build muscle, and you still do not see the results.
The culprit may be your diet. Start a food diary. List everything you consume all day long, then remove the high fat, high calorie foods.
TIPDecember 2002
Subject: Exercise
Did you know that approximately 70-90% of back injuries are caused by muscle or ligament strain?
3 tips to avoid this and keep your back strong. Strength training, Aerobics, and Stretching.
TIPNovember 2002
Subject: Exercise and Nutrition
Did you know that the pain from arthritis can be reduced with exercise and nutrition?
Movement and proper nutrition are a long lasting pain reducer and much safer then drugs.
TIPOctober 2002
Subject: Nutrition
When watching your calories do not starve yourself all day in order to eat a large meal in the evening.
This will increase your fat cells and lose muscle.
Concentrate on eating 5-7 small portions through out the day.
TIPSeptember 2002
Subject: Exercise
Tired of working out, not motivated any longer?
Try one of these.
- Take a week off
- Hire a Personal Trainer
- Train for a special event
- Change your routine
- Find a workout partner
TIPAugust 2002
Subject: Exercise
If you are exercising and not noticing any changes, you want to ask yourself - Have I been doing the same routine for eight weeks or longer?
If you do the same weight routine, aerobic class or the same cardio exercise every week your body will adapt to it and stop producing results, so change your exercises or routines every 4 to 8 weeks.
TIPJuly 2002
Subject: Exercise
It is better to do less repetitions with correct form, than more repetitions with incorrect form, this can result in an injury.
TIPJune 2002
Subject: Exercise
Change your stretches periodically just like lifting weights, your body becomes used to the stretch and then does not get more limber.
TIPMay 2002
Subject: Nutrition
If using lean ground hamburger, always rinse it with hot water in a colander before using.
You will be surprised how much more fat you can rinse out.
TIPApril 2002
Subject: Exercise
Always contract your abdominal before starting any abdominal exercise.
It is not how high you lift, but how hard you contract.
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