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- 25% OFF CLA 1000
- CLA 1000 was $38.95. In January Only $29.21
Price: $29.21
U.S. Shipping: $5.95 for 1 unit
International Shipping: $13.95 for 1 unit

Size: 90 Capsules
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CLA was discovered by accident in 1978 by Michael W. Pariza at the University of Wisconsin while looking for mutagen formations in meat during cooking. CLA, found naturally in many animal products, consists of positional and geometric isomers of linoleic acid.
Although all the intricacies of CLA are not fully understood, it is widely accepted in the research community that CLA counterbalances the negative effects of linoleic acid and regulates fat and protein metabolism. Pariza, director of the Food Research Institute at the University of Wisconsin said, "A growing body of data indicates that CLA is a newly recognized nutrient that functions to regulate energy retention and metabolism.
Not only has CLA been shown to increase muscle while reducing body fat, studies have also shown remarkable anti-catabolic, antioxidant, immune enhancement, and anti-cancer benefits. Several other studies have even revealed dramatic cholesterol reducing effects.
This significant change in body composition can also be attributed in part to CLA's effect on immune function. When CLA levels fall, interleukin-l and tumor necrosis factor-o are involved in the accumulation of body fat. CLA has been shown to inhibit the lean tissue wasting caused by high levels of these cytokines.
To the person looking to add more muscle and drop body fat, CLA is a unique discovery that will make accomplishing this feat easier and faster.
1-Workout Delivery gives CLA 1000