All about 1 Workout Delivery, specializing in personal training, exercise and nutrition programs, and overall healthy living.

1-Workout Delivery is a unique business that caters to the health conscious individual.

Since 1988 1-Workout Delivery has worked to provide every service and product for health and fitness to our customers.

SINCE 1988

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Mark Bordcosh, owner and founder of 1-Workout Delivery, was working nights at Domino’s Pizza, the idea came to him while delivering a pizza, what if there was a service that delivered workouts, and brought the exercise equipment to a persons home or place of business by a Certified, and Experienced Personal Trainer.


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Since Mark had 4 years of college in exercise kineseology (definition: how muscles, joints, and connective tissue move, and respond during various types of exercise), exercise physiology (definition: how the body reacts to different types of exercise), was a competitive bodybuilder, and had trained numerous individuals, he thought this would be the business to pursue to help the person that did not want to leave home.


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Training a Client

In the beginning Mark started with a barbell, dumbbells, and a flat bench.

Mark did not feel this equipment was enough to give a complete workout like a gym could.

He checked out many exercise units that were mobile, but they either did not have proper resistance, not enough exercises to give a complete workout, or they did not allow complete range of motion.

Mark was then introduced to the Bowflex Power Pro and the Intellbell Powerblocks. These two pieces of exercise equipment were what he was looking for to give the individual the most complete workout.

Using the Bowflex Power Pro

From there Certified and experienced Personal Trainers and Aerobic Instructors, Body fat testing, and Personalized workout and food programs were added to 1-Workout Delivery’s health and fitness arsenal.

Using the Intellbell Power Blocks


Then 1-Workout Delivery’s customers wanted supplements, exercise equipment, and apparel, so 1-Workout Delivery became a supplement, exercise equipment, and apparel store as well to provide our customers with the best product and service in the health and fitness industry.

1-Workout Delivery’s goal is to give our customers what they want. If we do not have the product or service we will find a way to provide it, either way your satisfaction is our number one priority.